RAP!D PACKAGING DEVELOPMENT is centered around radically simplifying and shortening the time it takes to develop new product packaging.

Frustrated with the endless loops and long timelines associated with the old black box and e-mail approach to packaging development? We were too. So, we built our very own Packaging Innovation Hub and Lab, added some cool prototyping tools, and applied lean product development methods to massively accelerate and simplify the process. Now, what used to take weeks or months can be accomplished in one super-efficient visit to Nosco's Packaging Innovation Center.


RAP!D Packaging Development

During your RAP!D Packaging Development session, we will address the "problem," brainstorm ideas, iterate viable solutions and rapidly refine structures using our proven lean methods. At the end of the session, we will provide plain and printed samples for you to take back to the office for all of your secondary packaging components.

On average, our customers reduced their packaging development lead times by six weeks by using our proven methods... making them the office hero. Watch this video to learn more. Then, schedule your very own session below.


RAP!D Samples

On the subject of printed samples, the Nosco team can now produce photo-ready marketing samples in real time. Need them for your next tradeshow, e-commerce photoshoot, or investor and retailer pitch prior to launch?

With RAP!D Samples, we have you covered. 

Or contact a Packaging Advisor to learn more.