Digital Printing Implementation Considerations

March 12, 2014

Many healthcare packaging professionals are still on the fence about whether or not they will be implementing Digital Printing into their process. If you are one of those professionals, here are some things to consider in your Digital Printing journey:

Take a holistic view on costs

Experts say that there remains a general impression among brand owners that Digital Printing will cost more than traditional printing methods. Often, this is due to the fact that prospective customers are taking too narrow a view of comparative pricing. The digital print provider you choose has the resources to help you crunch numbers, using your costs, to determine if your products are a cost effective fit for the digital model.

Over and above the cost per thousand of each print method, the following costs need to be taken into account:

  • Prepress and plate cost
  • Inventory Management
  • Label or Carton Obsolescence
  • Quality Complaints/Rejections
  • Cycle Time
  • Color Management

Focus on the Value Proposition

Some experts suggest that instead of attempting to compare costs, prospective customers should focus on the value proposition: not having obsolete inventory, speed to market, reduced cycle times, and the elimination of several steps in the printing process.

Don’t Neglect Your Supply Chain

Digital Printing will transform all parts of the workflow, not just the printing method. Be ready for changes in how you track and move product. Can your distribution system handle 2-day turnaround? Experts say new digital customers need to rethink their entire supply chains, including what happens after printing, and start putting the pieces in place early on in the process.

Other Key Factors

When implementing Digital, you should also note the following key factors related to Digital:

  • Graphic files are in PDF!
  • Prep is simplified!
  • Bar Codes will grade better = A or B!
  • Proofs are available in soft PDF or Epson Color!
  • Plates are eliminated for each color!
  • Print 4 Color Process in Perfect Registration!
  • Optional Indichrome for enhancing Colors!
  • Color Consistency from Order to Order and within the Order!
  • Use your current specified material – No Change!
  • Media Surface Treatment – Lot Code & Exp. have excellent Adherence!
  • Functionality & Durability provide superior Performance!

For more information, click to download Healthcare’s Digital Packaging Playbook

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