Nosco Blog

How to Make Packaging that Drives Sales


Topics: Personalization

Packaging doesn't just contain a product so that it can make it safely from the manufacturer to the store and then to the customer. It's one of the most effective marketing tools there is. At the point of sale, great packaging can make the difference between being chosen or losing a sale to a competitor. Research shows that packaging has a significant impact on the final decision, so how do you create packaging that drives sales?

Tactile Packaging Increases Engagement and Value


Topics: Personalization

Textured packaging used to be reserved for luxury brands, but it's increasingly being utilized in more products to increase engagement. There are a number of unique attributes companies can add to packaging to increase its desirability. Companies are discovering the intrinsic benefits of investing in new innovative techniques and materials.

Customized Packaging Catches on in Pharmaceutical Industry


Topics: Personalization

Personalization has been a key trend in a number of markets for some time. Personal Care and Natural Health markets are already looking for ways to more effectively target specific customer groups with packaging. However, over the next few years, pharmaceutical companies may start to employ customization techniques to better target their customers.