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What's ahead in packaging design?


Topics: Personalization Natural Health Sustainability

For brands to create the most appealing Custom Packaging, they must stay on top of future trends. Seeing what lies around the corner means companies can stay ahead of the competition and demonstrate their thought leadership. Fortunately, branding experts have already done some of that forecasting and came up with a few predictions about what will be hot in the coming years. Read on to learn more about the packaging outlook and what's fueling it:

How Packaging Supports Brand Storytelling


Topics: Personalization Digital Printing Consumer Products

Storytelling is one of the most frequently talked about marketing strategies today, but it's rarely discussed in conjunction with packaging solutions. However, packaging could be an ideal way to make your brand's story truly come to life in the hands of the consumer and extend the power of your marketing programs.

Custom packaging still vital for ecommerce


Topics: Personalization Digital Printing Trends

Ecommerce continues to play a huge role in the worldwide economy. Consumers are increasingly likely to buy an item online rather than pick it up in the store. A report from Forrester determined online sales will account for 11 percent of all U.S. retail sales by 2018, or about $414 billion. Chances are, the number of online purchases will only continue to grow.